Article From Manada Conservancy Newsletter.
Logan Farm Park– The Puzzle’s Complete!
Logan Farm Park was like a big jigsaw puzzle, and finally the last piece is in, and we can see the whole, beautiful picture.
In 2013, Scott Logan contacted us about placing an easement on a 59-acre property in Susquehanna Township, formerly his family farm, now woodlands and wetlands. This was a complicated project because it was about to be sold to the Susquehanna Sewer Authority, but Mr. Logan wanted it to be protected as a township park before the transfer. After two years of discussion, an agreement was reached to protect all of the property at the highest level, with the exception of a 15-acre area that could be used by the Township in the future if they needed to expand their sewer service. It was also agreed that it would be a township park, open to the public.
Once the main park project was complete, we began working on acquiring three small peripheral properties, which included additional frontage along Paxton Creek and would complete the park (see map below). Acquiring a one acre piece of land can take just as much work as a 100 acre piece. In this case, these small additions were considered very important for the health of the creek and for full public enjoyment, so we kept working. As we acquired each of the three pieces, we placed restrictions before deeding over to the Susquehanna Authority.
The first piece was purchased outright in 2014. After much time and paperwork, the second piece (Tract 2), with extensive creek frontage, was acquired. We are very grateful for the generosity of the Taylor family for their contribution of a major portion of this value. The Taylor tract is a key section of the park, providing access to the creek in an area which would not have otherwise been possible for park goers.
And then the last piece . . . that last piece! It fell under the table; we couldn’t find it. For a while we were pretty sure the dog ate it, but we finally found it. And on November 12, 2018, we dropped it in and the puzzle was whole!
There are so many people to thank! Goldie Boyer and her sister, Fern Hartman, donated most of the value of this last piece (Tract 3) and were incredibly patient while we worked through some unusual legal obstacles. When we say “we,” we mean our fantastic attorney, Jean Seibert, who tried many avenues before being able to assure us that the title of the property was clear (long story!). This last piece was a keystone because it was the corner that united the two smaller pieces and also finished out the creek protection.
Through it all, we are so grateful to the Logan family for their continued vision. Logan Farm Park is now a wonderful nature preserve that provides wildlife habitat, water quality protection, and soon-to-be beautifully complete community open space with trails.